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Goalogique Records GRGS007 V.A. Psychedelicus album cd cover



Track List:

01. Minomar - Yolokobih
02. Eveleyn - Trip to Freedom
03. Phant Om X & Dxi Nilaya - Green Effect
04. Goakaniu - Metamorphosis of The Nebula
05. Proxeeus - New Prespective
06. Notor - Dream to Kadath
07. Delirogenious - Trip to Infinity
08. Svarrog - Wave Of Life
09. Pure Energy - Psychedelicus
10. GoaD - Solarwind


Masterd by Goalog Goalogique

Release date 04/2015 with Beatspace


 Goalogique Records proud to be present another Trance
cd compilation name is Psychedelicus and it means :

"All we are Psychedelic.

Story begins with our well known gang member Minomar who  bring the Joyfulness* as the main soul from the womb of the  world.
And Trip to Freedom start by inspiration of a Canaan  Princess Evelyn. We continue to flying with Green Effect on aphotosyntheized  carpet with Khan PhantOm X and Dxi Nilaya as apprentice of  Captain Han Solo from Star Wars. And never forget Pomeranian  magician GoaKaniu that serve you the sacred knowledge of  Metamorphosis of The Nebula.

  Sing start with a New Perspective from a French King Proxeeus. Cthulhu Mythos shows us a Dream to Kadath from Notor of upon-the-Sea. Prepare to enter in an acute confusional state during Trip to Infinity with a Gaulish Gladiator Delirogenious. Great Moravia Emperor found Wave of Life under a Ha'tak of Svarog. Again a Canaan, father of Ahab show us Psychedelicus soul from Pure Energy. And freedom comes from Solarwind of world flattest land by a Danish GoaD.

This album is for exploding your mind into rainbow colors. And an unresistable mystical dance shake your body entirely!!!


Artist List :

Mario Minowa 

Japan flag Minomar album Oriba ttiwa project

Ilena Bar Rashi

Israel flag  evelyn Psychedelicus album

Denis Tolstov &

DXi Nilaya

Russian flag phant om x psychedelicus album

Robert Kijanka 

Poland flag Goakaniu Robert Kijanka

Jerome Lesterps

France flag Proxeus

Yifei He

China flag Notor psychedelicus

Quentin Poure

France Flag Quentin Poure

Domonik Baren

Czech Republic flag Svarrog Domonik Baren

Omri Malka

Israel flag Pure energy psychedelicus album

Anders Munk

Denmark flag psyhedelicus album cd

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